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Holly's Goal! IFBB Bikini Competition

Each year at Fitzone, each member of our team sets a big personal goal! The only requirement is that it must be a S.M.A.R.T goal and MUST be outside of your comfort zone😄

We set it at the start of the year and review it every fortnight in our team meetings, as a group. We help keep each other accountable and motivate each other. Setting fortnightly goals towards such a big goal teaches us that if you are consistent, patient and trust the process, you can do it! Every step, no matter how small, is an important part of your journey 🙌

Holly is the Team Leader at our Waihi club!

Holly’s “hairy scary” goal in 2021 was to compete in a body building show! WHAT A GOAL! 🤩 Every meal, weights session, posing practice and km walked, were just a few of little steps towards what was a HUGE goal for Holly! We are BEYOND PROUD of her dedication, hard mahi and commitment to her goal, plus every way she has grown throughout her journey 💙We are so blessed to have witnessed her journey from day 1, and to see her overcome every obstacle that got in her way like an absolute champion.

Even with plenty of obstacles, Holly never stopped until she had achieved what she had set out to do! 💪She is such an inspiration, and we could not be more proud☺️

We asked Holly a few questions about her big goal! You can read them below

💙What was the biggest barrier you faced achieving your goal? How did you overcome it?

The biggest barrier I faced was having my IFBB Waikato Champs show postponed 5 times due to covid. I had to stay positive that my competition would go ahead. At the time I had been training in the gym 3 times per day and following my meal plan strictly in the final months of my prep during my shred. That made it hard to stay focused and motivated to keep going because there was a chance that the show would be cancelled even after all the hard work I was putting in everyday in the gym and in nutrition for the last 12 months. Eventually my competition was cancelled, and the only show left to do for the year was the IFBB Nationals show in Wellington, that all the other competitors had qualified for by winning or placing in a previous competition. It also meant a lot of my friends and Fitzone family couldn’t come to watch me achieve my goal anymore and my boyfriend who was not fully vaccinated at the time which was hard because I had put so much effort into this goal and really wanted everyone to be there to support me. Fortunately, my Mum and Dad came with me, so I was not completely alone! But my mum is really unwell and going to Wellington for my show meant that she had to travel a long way just to be there with me which was very special, and it showed me just how incredibly strong she is too!

I overcame this by going to compete in the Nationals show anyway even though it was out of our way to go to Wellington and knowing that I was going to vs girls who had qualified to be there and by giving it my best shot anyway was so much more rewarding and gave me so much more of an experience! And all my friends and Fitzone family watched the

live stream on TV from home so everyone could still support me and watch me achieve my goal that I had put in so much effort for.

💙Did you ever want to quit your goal?

I wouldn’t say that I ever wanted to quit. But it was definitely hard work at times. I had to stay motivated and dedicated and keep reminding myself why I started my goal to keep myself going!

💙Would you recommend others to try Body Building?

YES! Prepping for my competition has taught me discipline, self-love, and has taught me that I can do anything that I put my mind to! And it has brought out the best possible version of myself and has built so much confidence in me too! And I have met some of the best people and made so many friends along the way.

💙What’s your favorite style of training?

Weights! I love weight training because it makes me feel strong and empowered. My favorite training day is shoulders! 💪

💙What’s one main takeaway that you have gotten from this experience?

You are capable of more than you think! And can do anything you set your mind to! And pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone is so important for self-growth!

💙What advice would you give to others who are aiming to do a big scary goal like yours?

Find yourself a good goal that will push you outside of your comfort-zone. Don’t overthink it! And just put in 100% to what that goal is! Once you achieve it you will thank yourself for it! It is one of the best feelings!

💙What are you most proud of in regards to this journey?

I am proud that I gave my absolute all into this goal, Training, Nutrition & Recovery and stuck to it even at times when it was hard! I’m proud that I put myself out there and completed my goal! And I’m proud that I’m dedicated to keep competing for years to come! 🙌



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